Bronx, New York

Full Circle Life Enrichment Center

The Full Circle Life enrichment center is dedicated to stamping out the stigma and shame associated with mental health while increasing quality access to mental health services to people of color.

Brooklyn, New York

JAIA Youth Empowerment

JAIA Youth Empowerment is a personal development & leadership program for teens and young adults ages 16-21. We co-create with youth to build healthier communities by promoting mindfulness, mental health literacy, and ethics.

New York, New York

Art in the Park

Art in the Park activates open spaces in under-represented Harlem communities, to expose youth to arts and culture, S.T.E.A.M., health and community initiatives, and help combat mental and physical disparities.

Sad Girls Club / Sad Boys Club

Sad Girls Club / Sad Boys Club is committed to showing up for Black women and POC to create safe spaces for mental health. Our goal is to reduce the national suicide rate and provide accessible mental health resources for the millennial and Generation Z population.

WE ACT for Environmental Justice

WE ACT For Environmental Justice fights environmental racism by ensuring that people of color participate in the creation of environmental justice, health, and protection practices.